Wednesday 4 April 2012

Rushden off, Monday April 2nd

Rodders' Ramblings......Not sure if this was one of my better ideas to volunteer to step up to the plate and jot down my thoughts, especially on a day off while staying at Tomps' house with vast amounts of 'special apple juice' staring at me from across the table.So here we are, nine shows in on our third national tour with the Bootleg Sixties Show. It has been great to have been involved with the show from the first tour in 2010 and watch the reaction of the Audiences from out front., something that Tony, Tomps and Pug don't get a chance to see as they are tucked away in the Stage wings. After loading the vans last night at the end of the show in Stevenage, Tony had the task of dropping myself and Tomps in Rushden, then Pug at his place of residence before finally making his way to his 'lodgings'. Luckily it was a relatively short drive by the Bootlegs standards and we were back at Tomps' in an hour, a quick Rock 'n' Roll cup of tea later and time for bed. This morning was spent popping to Waitrose and Sainsburys to get some liquid refreshment for the day ahead (as well as eggs, bread, chicken and far too many packets of crisps and nuts........well it IS a day off).Once back at Hotel Tomps it’s time to open the first of the bottles of moonshine. Tomps decides to pressure wash the patio before the hosepipe ban comes into force but unfortunately for him the lance seems to have a rather large hole in the side and he is promptly drenched at his first attempt. Not to be beaten he valiantly continues with the job in hand and by the time he is finished he looks more like a drowned rat. As we will finally be on the tour bus after the next show in Buxton its only fair on our fellow travellers to at least start the next stage of the Tour with clean clothes so the most important job of the day is getting the washing done.The rest of the day is spent tying up loose ends on other projects, quaffing more apple juice and in someone’s case falling asleep firstly at the dinner table and then perched on the edge of the bath!!!!! I couldn't possibly mention who it was but I make a mental note to myself not to try and keep up with Tomps….Tomorrow morning we are being picked up by Nick in the van before heading up to Buxton, so it is time to pack the bags again for our next little adventure on the road.Many thanks must go to our Sponsor of today’s ramblings – one Henry Weston who to coin a phrase from Mr Kipling 'Makes exceedingly good cider'…..!

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